måndag 12 december 2011

Biological systematics - the vain quest for The Consistent Classification

Biological systematics has been chasing the idea "The Consistent Classification" since at least the ancient Greeks, that is, for at least 2500 years. The goal is a classification that breaks even, ie, is free from contradictions.

Today, we have, however, obtained the knowledge to figure out that this goal is actually an interface between subjectivity and objectivity (traditionally called realism and nominalism, respectively) and thus not a "thing", but a passage between two things, ie, between subjectivity and objectivity. The goal is the difference between subjectivity (realism) and objectivity (nominalism). If we analogize subjectivity and objectivity with railway stationsthe goal is the rails between them. It is possible to pass, but it is not possible to transform to a single station (or several stations) in both approaches, because it in one view (subjectivity) has to be transformed into types of stations (ie, into several stations of the same kind) whereas it in the other has to be transformed into single stations. The two approaches thus can't see (or can't recognize) the same thing (s). The passage between them, that is, the goal for biological systematics, will thus remain an unattainable idea as long as the two approaches exist. This passage was in the early 1900's named Russell's paradox in objectivity, and about 50 years later named "clade" in subjectivity.

Biological systematics is thus closing up on understanding of the context, but right now too much of it (perhaps most) is too busy trying to find the ultimate clade, ie, Russell's paradox, which it calls the Tree of Life, to be able to think clearly. These biological systematists think they are so close to the goal that thinking is finished and only the practical chase remains. They can almost see the goal.

Biological systematics is thus approaching understanding of the context, but right now it is too occupied with the vain chase for "The consistent classification" to be able to think clearly. Ironically, the approach called evolutionary taxonomy has already formulated the solution (although not the explanation).  

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