fredag 17 maj 2013

Cladistics is the belief in a single true tree of life

Cladistics is a belief, like Christianity and Islam, - the belief in a single true tree of life. Similar to all other beliefs it is also contradictory. Cladists may think that their belief is scientific, but this belief about the belief remains to be turned into science by finding this imaginary single true tree of life.

Similar to Higg's particle-ists, cladists may claim that they have found the single true tree with a certain probability, but at which probability can they (we) conclude that they (we) have found a particular kind of entity (ie, Higg's particle or biological species), when the probability actually can never reach 1, since there are always at least two different but just as probable kinds of entities? When can they (we) claim that they (we) have closed the gap that distinguishes reality from our comprehension of it, when there will always remain a contradiction? When can they (we) claim to have taken this final step; when they (we) actually can't take it?

I think that both Higg's particle-ists and cladists are ridiculous. They strive so tremendously hard to prove (positively) that they are correct, although many philosophers have demonstrated that positive proof of correctness is impossible. Haven't they read anything of what have been written in this issue or have they forgot it? Are they ignorant or stupid?

A long time has passed since since Simpson and Ashlock had intelligent discussions about evolution. Today the discussion in this issue is just cladist-confused. What in hell is the "paraphyletic groups" that cladists hate, the goats of Jesus?, and, what are the holophyletic groups they call "clade": the Father in Heaven? The dream? Why should we chase this impossible dream at all, when it can't be reached? Are we stupid?

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