tisdag 7 augusti 2012

Cladistics is the extremism of empirical science

Cladistics is the extremism of classification, ie, classificationism, or typology (resting on the same idea as racism, ie, that the biological diversity consists of definable collections of organisms, that is, sets. It does not realize that Russell's paradox actually falsifies this idea by demonstrating that the set of all sets that does not include themselves is paradoxically contradictory. Its corollary set of sets is thus falsified by Russell's paradox. 

On the basis of its erroneous idea, cladistics first allocates objects (ie, organisms) into classes, and then conflates the obtained classes back towards the singular objects it started with, asserting that there indeed is a single True Classification (ie, The Tree of Life) to be found at the end of this paranoic procedure.

There of course isn't. The procedure is nothing but a classificatory circularity that actually is an infinite recursion (infinite loop), since it can't return to the singular objects (ie, organisms) it started with. Instead, it will, of course, always end up with the same classes as it started with, but always contradictory.

Extremists are always contradictory, independently of what the extremism focuses on. It doesn't matter if they appear to be scientific by claiming that classes are real. Empirical science does not claim that classes are real, but merely classifies to be able to discuss reality in a generic sense. The idea that classes are real is not scientific, but actually a misunderstanding of science. Unfortunately, this misunderstanding leads into a racism that appears to be supported by science. For this, I, as a scientist, have to apologize. It was never my meaning to give the impression that the classes I distinguish are real. This weird off-shot of science is a no-go that neither I nor all other empirical scientists can take responsability for. There is always a possibility to misunderstand everything. Strict objectivity, ie, empirical science, can unfortunately not provide the simple truths that extremism can, but is, on the other hand, not paradoxically contradictory, as extremism is.

Cladistics is, however, an extremism that all empirical scientists ought to apologize for. It leads right into the racism that Willi Hennig was a child of.     

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