måndag 9 april 2012

The problem with cladistics

The problem with cladistics is not that cladists don't understand, but that they claim that not understanding is a virtue (ie, being "natural"). This claim actually excludes people that understand from being "natural", just like the Khmer Rouge's reign of terror excluded educated people from their idea of being "natural".

Cladistics, similar to Khmer Rouge and many other simplistic approaches, is a movement of over-simplification. It is not driven by understanding, nor even a wish to understand, but by an over-simplified idea. It thus conquers the world by violence rather than by arguments, because its arguments are irrational.

Biological systematics thus has to get rid of cladists to survive as a science and avoid being turned into a sect (with its consistently splitting internal tensions). It thus has to reject cladistics as a package, rather than piece by piece. Cladistics is nothing but an over-simplification of the Art of Classification, that is, Systematics. The sooner biological systematics gets rid of it, the better. 

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