lördag 21 april 2012

How on earth shall we handle cladistics?

Biological systematics is a threat to sense itself. It started about 2 500 years ago by dividing reality into classes, and has recently ended up in that classes not only are real, but also have an origin (ie, in the cladistic belief in a single tree of life). This "tree of life"  must, of course, be sought among the different divisions biological systematics starts with, all of which are contradictory, as shown by Russell's paradox. Biological systematics thus starts by dividing and ends by conflating into what it divided in the first place, both of which thus are contradictory.

The problem of biological systematics is its search for an unambiguous classification itself, in that this search lacks an unambiguous end, instead having a start that leads to an end that sends it back to the start again. If it is allowed to dominate peoples minds, then all of us will be caught in a narrow circularity confirming what we assume by what we deduce, without escape. Sense will be restricted to a narrow circle of self-confirmation that qualifies as a paranoia. 

Classification for its own sake is thus a parnoic circle leading ultimately to the subjective aspect of Russell's paradox, that is, cladistics. How on earth shall we handle this threat to sense itself?    

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