söndag 25 mars 2012

Cladists are ridiculous

If the science of evolution, ie, phylogenetics, surrender to cladistics, then it is lost, because cladistics is a contradictory fanaticism. Surrender to it would be as if moderate muslims would surrender to fanatic muslims. Science stands between ignorance and fanaticism like a beacon on the ocean of knowledge. Scientists thus have to claim science against both enemies of science and believers in science. Science is not a matter of belief, but of knowledge.

There will always be fanatics claiming monopoly in every approach, but the challange for scientists is to point the way to knowledge, in the sense of knowing. Cladistics is the fanaticism of phylogenetics. Phylogenetic scientists, like me, thus just have to explain the difference between knowing and believing to cladists. They are at least heading in the correct direction by adopting the axiom of evolution. We just have to enlighten them about the fact that there can't be any True Tree of Life per definition. Cladists are not generically, but only specifically wrong. The problem, for them, is that their error is ridiculous. Everyone can see that they contradict themselves.

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