onsdag 31 augusti 2011

Cladistics is The Fundamental Conceptual Circularity

Searching for truth by conceptualization presumes that statements can be true, and they are true if they agree with reality.

Truth must, as such, be split between reality and our comprehension of reality. Of these, the truth in reality (i.e., the objective truth) is hidden in reality as the ambiguity of the objective approach, that is, that we can discuss every real phenomenon in at least two aspects, whereas the truth in our comprehension of reality (i.e., the subjective truth) is hidden in our minds as the contradiction between and within subjective approaches, that is, that subjective approaches are both externally and internally contradictory.

This split of truth is thus merely a property of conceptualization itself, and thereby also a property of the conceptual search for a truth itself. Such search simply leads to a choice between ambiguity (objectivity) and contradiction (subjectivity): truth being relative as an ambiguity in an objective approach and unreachable as a contradiction in a subjective approach.

The preferable choice of these two is ambiguity (i.e., objectivity) by that it agrees with facts in reality (fundamentally the fact that time is relative to space), because contradiction (subjectivity) instead is falsified by facts in reality (fundamentally the same fact). This choice does thus not find or decide the truth, but merely agrees with facts in reality. This is, as far as we know, the closest we can come to the truth. The choice leads to a search for the truth by comparing competing hypotheses about reality with reality, that is, empirical science.

The above reasoning is a concentrated version of the foundation for empirical science. Cladistics is the opposite to empirical science. It agrees about the presumption that only statements can be true (except the cladist Mikael Härlin, as far as I know), but it claims that there is no split between reality and our comprehension of reality. On the contrary, it claims that the truth (i.e., The True Tree of Life) resides in a fusion of the two. It thus claims that there is an objective subjectivity, or subjective objectivity, to be found (at the same time explicitly denying the opposite, that is, the foundation for empirical science).

This cladistic claim is tricky to counter. The first problem is what the claim actually means? Does it claim that reality is the same as our comprehension of reality is, or that reality does not exist, or that our comprehension of reality is prior to reality? However, in practice, these three possibilities melts down into the simple claim of the choice of subjectivity instead of objectivity (that is, subjectivity instead of empirical science). It actually claims that subjectivity HAS TO BE preferred because IT CAN find The Truth (i.e., The True Tree of Life), and thus that subjectivity is not contradictory, DENYING the opposite, that is, the truth itself.

Now, if this claim should be true, then time thus would not be relative to space, which it obviously is.The claim is thus OBVIOUSLY contradictory to facts, that is, falsified by facts, that is, wrong. Truth is thus, instead, that subjectivity is contradictory, in spite of cladistics' claim of the opposite. The claim can't change the fact that the preferable choice is objectivity (which cladistics denies). Objectivity remains the preferable choice although it is denied by cladistics.

Cladistics is simply subjectivity that on a generic level claims that subjectivity on a specific level is correct. It is an orthogonal paranoia that leaves reality as a magic dragon by the claim that it itself is correct independently of what it says and of reality. It is THE bolt (spin-off) of subjectivity when it finds its way back to nothing in conceptualization. Cladists believe they can find the Truth (i.e., The True Tree of Life) by confirmation of their preconceived ideas, although this belief is a definitional contradiction .Cladistics is The Fundamental Conceptual Circularity, and its idea of a Single True Tree of Life is a hallucination in this circularity. The Single True Tree of Life cladists hallucinate is, in practice, their own subjectivity. It is classificatory monoteism, that is, typology.

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