lördag 3 september 2011

On the orthogonal merry-go-round called "Cladistics" - the meaning of its "clade" and "paraphyly"

Cladistics is the fundamental confusion of the generic with the specific, or of class with object, by confusion of the generic concept monophyly with its specific concept holophyly into the confusing concept clade. It means that the concept clade terms both classes and objects at the same time, whereas the opposed concept paraphyly terms neither classes nor objects at the same time. The concept clade thus terms everything, whereas the concept paraphyly terms nothing. In light of this understanding, it is not surprising that cladists strive so hard to get rid of paraphyletic groups - nothing is, of course, nothing, whereas everything is, just as of course, everything. The insoluble problem with this quest is to find everything without finding nothing.

This approach is what one falls into when one bites oneself in one's own tail by confusing class with object. Cladistics has thus given this orthogonal merry-go-round a name - that is, Cladistics. Cladistics is thus in practice "the vain search for a consistent and unambiguous classification of classification". 

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