tisdag 10 december 2013

Higgs particle is the greatest and meanest fraud in the history of science

The so-called "Higgs particle" is nothing but a conceptual confusion of "object" and process. This kind of particle is actually falsified by the fact that time is relative (with speed in space). The asserted empirical confirmation of this particle (which just was awarded the Nobel Prize) is thus totally impossible. I can thus safely assure you that particle physicists will either withdraw or simply forget this discovery asap.

No, this "discovery" is actually the greatest and meanest fraud in the history of science. It is simply cheating. The cheat is also actually fairly easy to understand. You just have to be a little bit skeptical about the discovery and ask particle physicists the question: is Higgs particle a particle or a process? (It can't be both at the same time, since particles are the constituents of process, not the process itself). Particle physicists will answer that it is both at the same time (which it thus can't be).

This is, as far as I know, the first time that the Nobel Prize has been awarded to an orthogonal confusion, traditionally called a paranoia. It is very similar to the rise of Nazism in Germany. Hail Higgs particle! (independently of whether it is a particle or a process).

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